There are several things you realize about yourself when you are the parent of two toddlers. I've spent many years attempting to "know myself" and at one point felt that I had a strong grasp on who I was. False. For example: Now, I've always considered myself a patient, considerate person. However. Almost-three-year-old girls will push that patience to its extreme limit. If you were not already aware, children who are of the age of two enjoy doing everything for themselves. They also enjoy putting on ridiculous outfits.
Here's the scenario: We're running late. I'm almost ready, but Molly and Zoe are still looking like a hot mess, still crusted with this morning's Cheerio remnants even though it's 3 in the afternoon. Whatever. For a second I think: I mean, the grunge look is coming back in. But can't decide whether Cheerio stubble says hippie chic or just straight up haggard. Deciding I'd better not risk it I grab the easiest outfit I can find and tell them to put it on (which they are totally capable of doing). I go to finish getting ready and when I check on their progress I find them frolicking in the backyard with Charlie our cat. Looking like this:
Nailed it, Molly.
Not a single item that Molly is wearing is one of the things that I picked out for her. Awesome. Sometimes you just gotta roll with it. At least the sweater and skirt somewhat coordinate.
Here's another gem I've discovered: When your kids approach the age of three, naps may (oh, happy day) or may not (my life is a living nightmare) happen. Which brings me back to "knowing myself." I used to think I was the epitome of laid back. Well now. When it comes to nap times, watch out. I don't really care that you girls are outgrowing this wonderful gift of rest that us adults would kill for. You WILL lay down. I also don't really care if you sleep, but pipe down for a couple hours because mommy needs to be productive. And by productive I mean I need to have a least 2 hours of uninterrupted Facebook time.
Also, when I was pregnant several people told me I was lucky because twins don't ever fight with each other. Ha! Those people have obviously never experienced the dinner table situation at the Stover house. I won't describe it for you here because honestly you would want to tear your hair out, but basically every night I want to tell the twins to cut the crap and stop flinging their spaghetti at each other.
Life with twins is intense, frustrating, sometimes infuriating, yet all around beautiful. They yell, scream, fight, throw tantrums and love me more than anything. And I love them just as much. They are mine and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.